9:30 AM – 4:50 PM
“Natural” Products for Weed Control in Landscape Plantings
Joe Neal, NC State University
Get the “real story” on vinegar, natural oils, iron chelate and other “bio-herbicide” products — What’s available and how to get the best weed control.
Preventing Insect Injuries to Trees and Shrubs from The Ground Up
JC Chong, Clemson University
Pest insects and mites can cause injuries to ornamental trees and shrubs, but they may be signs of “foundational” issues with the planting and maintenance of plants in urban landscapes. This presentation will provide an overview of how poorly performed establishment and maintenance practices, such as planting, mowing and pruning, may create stresses and predispose trees and shrubs to infestations and damages by insect pests such as scale insects and borers. Cultural and chemical solutions to correct these maintenance and pest issues will also be discussed.
Bringing Bees, Butterflies and Beauty into Gardens and Landscapes
Nancy Adamson, The Xerces Society
Want to better support the bees and other wildlife that help ensure abundant harvests, keep our ecosystems healthy and enrich our communities? Join Nancy Adamson of the Xerces Society and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to learn a little more about the benefits of diversity, best management practices to support pollinators and plants that add pollinator value and beauty to landscapes.
Pruning the Right Way to Minimize Potential Risk
Barbara Fair, NC State University
How do you determine what to remove when a tree is young to minimize limb or tree failure in the future? What is branch subordination all about and how do you choose which ones to prune? Learn how to prevent most branch failure and shorter-lived trees by employing pro-active pruning techniques.
What We Have Learned about Scale Insect Management
JC Chong, Clemson University
Scale insects, both soft and armored scales, are common and difficult to control in nurseries and landscapes. This presentation summarizes some of the findings from research projects conducted in South Carolina and elsewhere in the southeastern US on the biology, ecology and management of scale insects. Practical insecticide and biological management approaches will be discussed.
IPM Strategies for New Warm Season Turfgrass Cultivars
Charles Peacock, NC State University
Over the last 15 years, both public and private breeding programs have released new cultivars of warm-season grasses. This presentation will provide information on how to develop IPM strategies for dealing with pest problems on these new grasses.
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Look for these icons in the education session descriptions to ensure you can earn continuing education credits toward your state or national accreditations. Some CEUs may be pending approval.
⬤ LC Landscape Contractor License (NC) - Technical CEU
■LCB Landscape Contractor License (NC) – Business CEU
⬤ LA Landscape Architect License (NC)
⬤ IC Irrigation Contractor License (NC) – Technical Irrigation CEU
■ ICB Irrigation Contractor License (NC) – Business CEU
⬤ ISA International Society of Arboriculture - Certified Arborist
⬤ PA Pesticide Applicator License (NC)
⬤ NALP National Association of Landscape Professionals – Landscape Industry Certified
▲SAF Society of American Foresters